Hommage à Klaus Huber for the 100th birthday:
20.11.2024 at 19:30 at the Bremer Konzerthaus "Die Glocke"
Klaus Huber: "Die Seele muss vom Reittier steigen..." among others
Katharina Rikus (contralto), Tanja Tetzlaff (violoncello), Jessica Ulusoy-Horseley (baryton),
Sinfonieorchester der Hochschule für Künste Bremen,
René Gulikers (conducter)
New Release
DVD Klaus Huber at work
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New Release
CD Klaus Huber - Vocal Works

This double CD of vocal works by Klaus Huber (1924–2017) is a document of the special artistic partnership between Huber and his daughter, the contralto Katharina Rikus. Just as she was strongly influenced by her father in her relationship to music, her voice was the inspiration for many of the works recorded here. Singing his music, Rikus says, requires a very precise ear and rhythmic security, combined with great openness in interpretation. "I worked intensively and persistently on the works with him and am grateful to him from the bottom of my heart for his trust in me."
The most important work on this double album is "Umkehr – im Licht sein..." for choir, mezzo-soprano, speaker and small orchestra, composed in 1997 and a milestone in the creative phase of the late 1990s. It is preceded by another orchestral work: "Oratio Mechtildis" bears the subtitle "Chamber symphony for chamber orchestra with alto voice" – characteristic of Huber's free approach to classical forms and instrumentation. Thus, on the purely chamber-musical second CD there are no traditional piano songs, but duets for voice and viola "Das kleine Lied", "Ein Hauch von Unzeit" in the version for voice and accordion and the solo work "Nous!? - La raison du cœur...", as well as one of Klaus Huber's last compositions, "Intarsioso" for piano, string quartet and alto voice.